Hey all you witches!
Just wanted to wish everyone a belated Halloween.
Hope everyone had a spooktacular night filled with tons of candies and hopefully very few tummy aches.
Elizabeth and I also wanted to thank everyone profusely for making the Bubble, Bubble, Swap and Trouble such a huge success. We had so much fun seeing all the wonderful handmade items and meeting so many wonderful crafters in the process.
You can see a lot of the projects on the flickr group too (post your own as well!!).
We are officially making this an annual event, so be sure to check for it next year!
Also, we hope that everyone has received all their wonderful goodies safe and sound.
If anyone has any problems reaching their partners or have not received their packages, please email me (sooner than later) and I will see what I can do.
spazzgirl555 at yahoo dot com
No promises.
But, we hope that everyone has "treated" their partners and we will have a 100% flaker free perfect swap.
Again...THANK YOU and see all you witches next year and on the (spider) web!
Simone (and Elizabeth)
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Happy Post Halloween
9:35 AM
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Labels: swap info
Friday, October 12, 2007
Flickr Group!!
Hey all you lucky witches who already got some fa-boo-lous (yes, I had to) packages from your partners....Why not give us all a sneak peek!!?
I have set up a Flickr Group...Bubble, Bubble, Swap and Trouble so that everyone can share what they made and what they received. It will be a great reference too for anyone who is looking to make treats for neighbors, friends, family, co-workers.
So don't be shy...come on! I want to see the goods.
Get posting!
10:30 AM
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Labels: swap info
Xtreme Pumpkins!!
10:11 AM
1 bewitching comments
Labels: pumpkins
Monday, October 1, 2007
Halloween Carnival
There are a whole bunch of crafty Halloween ideas over at Craft Critique!
Be sure to check out their carnival for tons of great links and ideas.
Halloween Carnival
5:47 PM
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Labels: crafty ideas
Just the Treats - Part 2
Now that October is officially here, we can get in full swing with our projects
These little mini shopping bags are perfect when you wanna give a little extra to the classmates or neighbors.They are very simple and work with any thick paper or cardstock.
Here are the dimensions and scoring marks.
You cut your paper or cardstock to 8.5 x 5.5
Then score on 1", 4", 5", and 8".
Then score at 1" for the bottom.
4:56 PM
bewitching comments
Labels: treats idea
Friday, September 28, 2007
Just the Treats - Part 1
Hey you witches!!
Simone here.
Hope everyone has been in contact with your partners, at least leave a nice comment on their blogs woulda ya...everybody needs blogger encouragement, right?
Well, today I am starting a series I like to call, Just the Treats.
Yes, you could run out to your local shop and buy many ways to present your treats this year, in fact, I saw some treat sacks at the dollar store.
But if you are looking for a way to share treats and your crafty talents, I thought I would start showing you many, many ways to dress up the goods.

Well, you can get packs of Trident gum at the store rather cheaply, you know those skinny ones with only like 8 pieces in there.
And whip up some of these with cardstock.
This little holder is super easy to make and you really don't need the velcro a

Wonder where that candy coulda gone, probably right into an 11 year old's mouth when I left it alone.
Oh, forgot to mention, it holds other small candies as well, like mini kit kats, bit 'o honeys...really anything flat and skinny.
And if you don't have that handy punch from Stampin Up to make the slit, you can really make it yourself, or use a circle punch and just go across with it.
The diagram with cut and score lines are on Splitcoaststampers, here and here.
Got a great treat idea?? We'd love to see it and link ya up!
Stay tuned for more ways to dress up your treats next week.
12:11 AM
bewitching comments
Labels: treats idea
Monday, September 24, 2007
The Info is Out!
10:41 AM
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Labels: swap info
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Swap Partners
Yes, after hours of scientific logic, coin flipping and careful research of all you fabulous ladies, *e* and I have finally paired all of you up.
I want you to know that really there was little science involved but we tried our very bestest to pair everyone based on your questionaire answers as well as what we learned about you from your blogs. (yep, we visited every single one!)
Jennifer W. + Shara S.
Samantha M. + Olivia C.
Mary Ann A. + Michele K.
Greta A. + Jennifer B.
Connie H. + Michelle S.
Jessica K. + Simone
Karen S. + Elizabeth M.
Hettie + Angela D.
Noel M. + Erica P.
Bucket + Kate H.
Kimberly B. + Bobbie L.
Trisha M. + Malieta
Flossie + Judy B.
Christina H. + Susan G.
Laura B. + Lauren D.
Heather H. + Ashley F.
Kim M. + Andria O.
Kristina L. + Angelique B.
You will be receiving the questionaire answers from your partners via the email addresses you provided. Everything you need to get out your packages and learn a little more about your partners is included.
9:25 AM
bewitching comments
Labels: partner list, swap info
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
California Event
Here in the good 'ol midwest we have plenty of spooktacular events for the holiday season, but this makes me want to take a little trip to sunny California.
Thanks to Jessica K for pointing this out to me, anyone else with some cool linkage, feel free to pass the goods along to your fellow witches!
At Roger's Gardens, they have this event which they describe on their website:
We invite you to experience a 'Mystical Halloween' at Roger's Gardens. View and shop our vast collection of unique Halloween treats, and leave inspired to decorate your home, and entertain your family and friends in celebration of this festive holiday. This year at Roger's Gardens we are creating a turn of the century carnival atmosphere. Whether you prefer a more whimsical Halloween, or enjoy the scarier side of the holiday, you will leave Roger's inspired. When you arrive at the carnival, we encourage you to visit our fortune telling tent, the haunted sideshow, and seek the magic elixirs and finds of far away lands that our traveling medicine man has displayed. As you exit our carnival, don't forget to pay your respects at the haunted cemetery.
Umm...I want to go see the magical elixirs!
If you are in the Cali area, all the info as well as more photos of their amazing art for this event is on their website for their Something Mystical This Way Comes event.Roger's Gardens
2301 San Joaquin Hills Rd
Corona del Mar, California 92625
Toll Free @ 1.800.647.2356
Store Hours:
Open Daily 9am-6pm (PST)
10:22 AM
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Labels: events
Monday, September 17, 2007
A List of Witches :)
Hello fellow Halloween lovers.
As you should all know by now, I emailed everyone the questionnaire this morning and lemme go on and say how awesome ya’ll all are by getting em back to me. I already have about half of em back and that is just awesome.
I’m going to go ahead and make a list right now of all the people that I emailed.
**if you are not on the below list, please email me at emma81399 at aol dot com so I can get the questionnaire out to you.
I’m tickled orange and black over how excited ya’ll are. This is going to be an awesome swap J
mary ann
crafty connie
san Francisco lauren
inspired by ink
scrappin trish
Jessica k
celtic mommy
kd teacher
pink ric rac Jennifer
***also, JUDY BERNARD and “BASKET MOM”, if you are reading, I need links to ya’ll’s blog J “BASKET MOM”, I also need your email addy so I can email you the questionnaire J
1:50 PM
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Labels: list of witches, swap info
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Halloween Stamps
All this talk about stamping candles got me looking for some great new Halloween images to ink up, besides the Martha goodies I already told you about.
So here's some Halloween stamps to get the wheels of creativity spinning...
These stamps are from Cherry Pie Art Stamps
This goofy little bat is from Eat Cake Graphics. They have a few cute designs!
Just Johanna has some very cute little stamps and a perfect little bat for stamping votives for sure!
I love these creepy cocktail stamps by Impression Obsession, they are wicked cool.
Inkadinkadoo makes some great wood mounted stamps for any little project.

If you aren't up for the scary skeletons, the stamps from Sunday Internaltional Rubber Stamps, may be more up your alley.And don't forget these border stamps by Hero Arts.
I am sure there are plenty more out there, but at least this gives you a little idea of some places to find some.
12:58 PM
bewitching comments
Labels: crafty supplies, stamps
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Swap News and Update
Thanks to everyone who has already signed up! We are floored that there are actually more than 3 people.
We are still accepting sign-ups for the Bubble Bubble Swap and Trouble until Saturday, September 15th.
So, there is still time to join us, all the details are HERE.
Then, on Monday, September 17th (or maybe over the weekend), you will receive a questionaire that will help Elizabeth and I to pair ya up with the perfect partner. We need to get those back ASAP so we can get everyone matched, so try to shoot those back by the 21st.
All swaps need to be mailed directly to your partner on or before October 15th.
You say you want to start your swap...Go ahead.
Start your projects, your shopping, your stocking up of your favorite candies, the details aren't changing and you should be paired with a partner of similar tastes.
If anyone has any questions, concerns....just shoot me an email at spazzgirl555 at yahoodotcom.
PS. All participants will be linked in the sidebar of this blog, so we can all check out what you're up to. If you prefer not to be linked or you're not listed, let me know.
12:23 PM
bewitching comments
Labels: swap info
Less Spoooooky Halloween Decor
Hey spooksters, Simone here and dontcha just love all that creepy, spooky, eerie, give-ya-goosebumps stuff Elizabeth posted yesterday?
You don't?
You like a tamer, more gentler Halloween you say?
Well, I thought I would give y'all some less scary alternatives today.
I remember a time when my Halloween decor was way less scary due to a certain little kid and even nowadays, I can spookify my house almost all the way but there are still some things off limits. (otherwise someone can't sleep at night!)
So here's a few ideas to keep with sweeter side of Halloween.
How about this purple entryway.
You can make your own garland with craft store finds which are spray painted to suit your color scheme.
And I love all the colorful pumpkins too.
There are little ornaments and messages in the garland as well, I am sure you can accomplish the lettering with any painted chipboard letters.
I know our Michaels sells Halloween ornaments, or you can recreate your own with some styrofoam balls or clear ornaments.
Complete Instructions for making the Purple Garland.
Instructions for painting your own pumpkins funky colors.
Now this next project is so sweet it gave me a cavity and is totally not up my alley, but would make a cute little table for October.
Plus, it sounds very simple to make and if you love that country look, this would be the craft for you.
All the instructions for these fence-post pumpkins are HERE.
You can create these candles using wooden letters, deco paint and wire.
Directions are HERE.
Martha also recommends stamping hurricane or votive candle holders with dye ink and then wiping them clean with glass cleaner when Halloween is over. She has complete directions on her website as well.

My son will want to display these all year, I'm sure.
Now, if ya like the gross and eerie, this website, Scaryguys.com has some great how-tos as well for creating your own Haunted House.
And before I leave ya, I'm wondering, when do you start Halloweenizing your house??
When is the perfect time? Is there a good time?
12:04 AM
bewitching comments
Labels: decor ideas
Monday, September 10, 2007
Hey everyone…witchy elizabeth here. I have to say, ya’ll don’t know how excited I am that so many of you are interested in our Halloween swap. I think simone and I thought we would be the only ones signed up….lol. I can’t wait to get the swap started and see what spook-tabulous things everyone gets.
I have to say that I have been in love with Halloween for as long as I can remember. Being a candy junkie (seriously, I could stick my face in a vat of jujy fruits and be happy as a pig in sh*t) that is prolly where the love started. I mean c’mon, free candy?!!? Whatta concept.
But now as adult, I think I also love the whole spooky-ness to it. especially Victorian goth. What’s not to love?
So while I was stumblin’ around from one site to the next, I came across this site, gothic rose antiques. oh if I had the moola, my house would so be decorated like this for Halloween. Maybe once the kiddos are older, I could go this route with the decorating. You got the spooky dolls, old pictures from funerals, the candelabras, ahhhh...a pure delight.
Now here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure……
**all pics are from gothic rose antiques website :)